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Make my dream healthy and better again.

Kennedy’s “Why Go to the Moon?” speech left a profound impact on me, offering not only a glimpse into a nation’s sense of purpose but also encouraging me to reflect on my own choices. As he so aptly put it, going to the Moon was more than a scientific endeavor; it was humanity’s quest for the unknown, a promise to the future. Hearing his words, I realized that this spirit of embracing challenges and striving toward what seems unreachable is what propels us to broaden our horizons and transcend our limitations.

Inspired by this message, I began to consider: why have I chosen to study abroad in the United States? Much like the mission to the Moon, this path is not an easy one. It means immersing myself in a new culture, facing language barriers, and adapting to an unfamiliar academic environment. Yet, it is precisely because of these challenges that I feel driven to pursue this path.

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Kennedy’s speech helped me understand that choosing to study in the U.S. isn’t about escaping the familiar; it’s about seeking a broader perspective, about enriching my experiences and growing into a more capable version of myself. Just as the Moon landing was a landmark for humanity, my study abroad experience will be a transformative milestone in my own life.



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